For an extra creamy Christmas, consider mixing your holiday eggnog with the luxurious White Russian cocktail. Fusing these fan favorite drinks will undoubtedly get your party guests in a good mood.

Plus, since our recipe includes a dose of Tribe CBD oil, there’s a good chance this drink will keep everyone relaxed. Just don’t serve this boozy cocktail too early in the day, as it could send a few folks straight to bed!

CBD Eggnog White Russian Recipe

The Creamiest Christmas Cocktail — CBD Eggnog White Russian

You don’t need a nutritionist to tell you eggnog isn’t hot for your health. All of that cream, sugar, and fat certainly isn’t doing any wonders for our waistlines. However, according to Consumer Reports, prepared eggnog brands may be even worse than we thought.

According to researchers, most eggnog manufacturers list their serving size as “half a cup” rather than a full 8 oz. So, when you look at the nutritional label on your drink, it’s probably more sugar-drenched than advertisers led you to believe!

Of course, the easiest way to improve the health of your eggnog is to make it at home. Not only does this give you control over your portion size, it helps you avoid all of those weird fillers in mass-produced products.

However, if you’re going to go with a convenient pre-made eggnog, Consumer Reports suggests looking into vegan brands. Sure, these eggnogs cost more and taste slightly different, but they tend to have the best ingredients.

For those more interested in making eggnog at home, you should check out our previous CBD eggnog recipe post.


  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1 oz Kahlúa
  • ~ 3 oz pre-made eggnog
  • 1 pinch ground nutmeg
  • Candy cane or cinnamon stick, garnish
  • 1 dropperful Tribe CBD oil


  • Pour vodka, Kahlúa, and eggnog into a shaker
  • Add ice and shake for a few seconds
  • Strain into a pre-chilled serving glass
  • Garnish with nutmeg, Tribe CBD oil, and candy cane

OK, we all know eggnog isn’t a superfood, but could CBD oil make this drink a little healthier? Interestingly, many people use CBD to help get rid of stubborn belly fat. At this point, however, we don’t have enough evidence on how CBD affects our weight.

Some research suggests CBD may help keep us slim by influencing our appetite. Unlike the high-inducing THC, CBD doesn’t give users the munchies. Instead, a study from the University of Reading found that CBD reduced how much food rats ate per day.

A few scientists also believe CBD may positively influence our metabolism. For instance, researchers inAustralia suggest cannabinoid receptors may affect our risk of obesity. By indirectly triggering CB2 receptors, CBD may help with weight loss.

Of course, no amount of CBD will help patients who continue to eat a poor diet and neglect regular exercise. Please remember to add Tribe CBD oil to a healthy lifestyle for the best results.

Work Off That Eggnog With CBD Energy Shots

We could all use a little extra motivation to get back into the gym after the holidays. If you’re struggling to get your cardio on, then you may want to try Tribe’s CBD Energy Shots. These expertly-formulated blends have all-natural caffeine and CBD to prepare you for a workout.

Find out more about our CBD Energy Shots on this link.