Get Crazy About Chlorophyll! – Tribe’s CBD Wheatgrass Shot

Health food trends come and go, but wheatgrass remains one of the wellness industry’s most enduring superfoods. While Indian healers have used this green for centuries, Westerners were only turned on to wheatgrass shots in the 20th century. Allegedly, these shots helped the health food guru Ann Wigmore “cure” many deadly conditions. Although there’s not enough scientific evidence to confirm…

Just What The Doctor Ordered! – The CBD Penicillin Cocktail

If you’re looking for a perfect “quarantine cocktail,” you’d be hard-pressed to find a better-named drink than the penicillin. While this cocktail may not “cure what ails you,” it’ll certainly put you in a healthy state of mind. Anyone who loves Scotch with a little spice and citrus won’t have any problems sipping this “prescription.” Of course, we couldn’t help adding a dropperful of our…

A Holland House Hit (Plus Hemp!) – The CBD Liberal

Allegedly created at the Holland House Hotel, the Liberal cocktail was one of the first notable renditions of the uber-famous Manhattan. Although this drink isn’t as popular nowadays, it’s a lovely choice for anyone who’s into classic cocktails. If you fancy yourself a connoisseur, then please treat yourself to this whiskey-based drink! And, while you’re at it, be sure to add a “liberal”…

Chillax With A Classic Caribbean Cocktail – Try Tribe’s CBD Bahama Mama

Forget spending a fortune on a flight to Hotel Atlantis. You could easily take a (mental) cruise to Nassau with our Bahama Mama cocktail! Filled to the brim with fruity flavors—and a whole lotta rum—this Caribbean classic is sure to put you in “vacation mode.” For an extra splash of calm, don’t forget to add a dropperful of Tribe’s citrus-flavored CBD oil. Made with all-natural orange extract,…

Break Out Your Best Bubbly! – It’s Time To Try Tribe’s CBD Champagne Cocktail

No drink is more associated with celebrations (or the film Casablanca) than champagne. However, that doesn’t mean your bottle of bubbly should get dusty after New Year’s Eve. Whenever you’ve accomplished a goal—or made it to the end of a dull workweek—go ahead and pour a glass of champagne. Better yet, why not try our take on the legendary champagne cocktail. Of course, since we’re in the…

Old Ingredients, Bold Flavors – The CBD Old Cuban

Despite its name, the “Old Cuban” is not an old cocktail. Interestingly, this famed mojito variation first appeared in NYC in the early 2000s. Despite its relative youth, the Old Cuban has already become an “old standard” in many North American bars. See for yourself why so many bar patrons are thirsty for this Pegu Club classic. Please don’t forget to top your Old Cuban with a dropperful of…

Sit, Sip, And Settle Down – Try Tribe’s CBD Salty Dog

Sometimes, life can make you feel mad, sad, or downright “salty.” If you find yourself in one of these stressful moments, it’s a good idea to take a chill pill with man’s best friend. No, we’re not talking about a real dog…we’re talking about the super-simple Salty Dog cocktail! Hey, do you know what’d enhance the Salty Dog’s stress-busting effects? Tribe CBD oil, of course! Just a dab of our…

Chilling In Kuala Lumpur – The CBD Jungle Bird

Malaysia seems like a pretty mellow place. Although we’ve never been to this Southeast Asian gem, it ranks well on the Happy Planet Index. In fact, Malaysia is the 46th happiest place to live on earth. By contrast, the USA is the 108th happiest country. Whether or not you believe the HPI’s stats, you have to admit Malaysia has a pretty awesome national cocktail: the Jungle Bird! First invented…

A Sporty South African Treat – Enjoy Tribe’s CBD Springbokkie

If you’re not into zoology, then you’ve probably never heard about a springbok—unless you’ve been to South Africa. Currently, the springbok is both the official animal of South Africa and its rugby team’s mascot. As if that wasn’t enough, South Africans also named their famous “Springbokkie shot” after this adorable antelope. With its distinctive green and gold colors, the Springbokkie…

Flying High Without The High – Taste Tribe’s CBD Airmail

If you were asked to name a famous Cuban cocktail, we bet you’re not going to say “Airmail.” Despite Bacardi’s advertising efforts, this sweet cocktail hasn’t gone mainstream. However, connoisseurs who love Caribbean flavors must give this sudsy champagne cocktail a try. To give this drink extra “lift,” we’ve decided to add a touch of our citrus-flavored CBD oil. Although CBD won’t send you…