Cold Brew In Cuba…With CBD! — Taste Tribe’s CBD Havana Café

Cuba is best known for its classic cigars and cars, but did you know this nation has a proud coffee heritage? Indeed, there’s such a thing as the “Cuban espresso.” There’s also a fabulous cocktail that blends high-end Cuban rum with the refreshing notes of cold brew coffee: The Havana Café! If you’re interested in a lesser-known Cuban cocktail, then this post is for you. And, as always, we…

Adding A Little “Naughty” To A “Nice” Christmas Drink — CBD Spiked Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is cozy on its own, but there are ways to make it even "cozier." For instance, have you ever thought of adding a splash of alcohol to this warm beverage? Yes, there is such a thing as spiked hot chocolate—and it's warming a lot of tummies this holiday season! To make this comforting drink even comfier, we've added a dropperful of our high-quality Tribe CBD oil. Just a dab of CBD…

The Creamiest Christmas Cocktail — CBD Eggnog White Russian

For an extra creamy Christmas, consider mixing your holiday eggnog with the luxurious White Russian cocktail. Fusing these fan favorite drinks will undoubtedly get your party guests in a good mood. Plus, since our recipe includes a dose of Tribe CBD oil, there’s a good chance this drink will keep everyone relaxed. Just don’t serve this boozy cocktail too early in the day, as it could send a…

New England’s Spin On A Cuban Classic — Tribe’s CBD Apple Cider Mojito

It’s hard to find a drink that’s more “autumnal” than apple cider. So, as we enter full-blown fall, we thought it’d be fitting to use this ingredient in a fun riff on the iconic mojito. While apple cider isn’t a part of Cuba’s cocktail heritage, we don’t think Cubans will mind this fruity take on their marvelous drink. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to add a pinch of Tribe CBD oil to your apple…

Italiano Meets Mexicano — Taste Tribe’s CBD Italian Margarita

The margarita isn't a part of Europe's long cocktail heritage, but there's a simple way you could add a "taste of Italy" to this drink. All you need is a bottle of authentic amaretto. A dash of this almond-flavored liqueur is all it takes to transport your margarita to the land of Michelangelo! While we're not 100 percent sure about the CBD laws in Italy, we don't suspect there'd be an issue…

A Non-Boozy Bell Pepper “Pick Me Up” — Tribe’s CBD Red Bell Pepper Seltzer

Unless you're already into juicing, you've probably never thought of drinking fresh red bell peppers. However, since these fruits are almost 100 percent water, they're an easy way to slip sweet flavors into a hydrating beverage. As a bonus, you can serve a simple red pepper seltzer to folks on a non-alcoholic diet. Just don't forget to add a dropperful of Tribe CBD oil to your bubbly bell…

Not A Morning Person? You Will Be After Tribe’s CBD Morning Martini!

If it’s not a workday, then it’s never too early for a martini! While the classic gin martini is a great brunch idea, you could add extra “breakfast notes” to this beloved bev. In fact, there is a famous cocktail rendition known as the “Morning Martini.” Bursting with citrus and sweetness, this martini variation is sure to perk you up early in the day. Add a little Tribe CBD oil to the mix,…

The Gimlet Goes To Grenoble! — Try Tribe’s French Gimlet Cocktail

Here’s a simple way to add class to just about anything: say it came from France! Although the gimlet is pretty classy on its own, using the word “French” always adds some sophistication. Plus, the ingredient that makes this drink “French” is so fun to say: St. Germain! The next time you want to add some “Parisian panache” to a classic cocktail soirée, be sure to try Tribe’s French gimlet.…

A Crazy Cozy Non-Alcoholic Nightcap — Brew A Cup Of Tribe’s CBD Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of history’s oldest herbal remedies for stress and stomachaches. Funnily enough, CBD is also well-known for helping customers with these complaints. Since Tribe CBD oil and chamomile tea share so many supposed benefits, we thought it’d be fitting to add the two together! The next time you’re looking for a non-alcoholic after-dinner treat, be sure to brew a cup of this CBD…

Bubbly Without The Booze — Tribe’s DIY CBD Lime & Mint Seltzer

Who said you need hard seltzer to have a good time? There are plenty of ways to spritz up a can of unflavored seltzer without booze. For instance, we’ve put together a brilliantly bubbly mix of lime, mint, and soda water. While this may not be as mellow as a mojito, it’s an excellent alternative for folks on a non-alcohol diet. Plus, since we’re adding some Tribe CBD oil to this mix, we’re…